Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ratz Trim Chriztmaz Tree!

Ratz sez, iz holidayz timez! Ratz sez, must halp huminz trim treez! Iz for Chriztmaz! Tree iz brightz! Haz little lightzez! Haz shiniez!

Rawg haz yellowz ornamentz. iz yellowz like cheez! Rawg gnawz, but iz not tastiez. Rawg sez, must hang on tree! Finnegan halpz. White Rat and Grey Rat haz other ornamentz. Halpz with trimmingz! Luvz!

Rattatafish halpz with lightz. Rattatafish sez, BAH HUMBUG! Treez iz for huminz, iz not for Ratz! Rattatafish sez, wai iz Rattatafish tangledz in lightzez?!? Rattatafish iz KING OF RATZ! RATTATAFISH DEMANDZ A DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ! Rattatafish sez, removez Rattatafish from tangled lightzez! Rattatafish GNAWZ!

Ratz haz finishez wid ornamentz! Ratz inspectz finished treez. Ratz climb into branchez. Sez, iz shiniez! Sez, smellz like tree! Treez smellz greenz! Sez, makez ratz and huminz happiez!

Ratz luv tree. Tree sparkliez. Ratz watch treez lightz in front of treez. Ratz sez, iz warm. Ratz sez, iz good like cheez but iz not cheez. But White Rat and Grey Rat sez, mebbe iz nice to haz tree like diz, but mebbe iz not good to cut down treez. Sez, mebbe iz betterz to grow treez in forezts. Sez, iz betterz for ratz and huminz to haz more treez. Ratz luv the werld. Ratz dunnot want ice sheetz to melt. But ratz sez, tree iz sparkliez. Luvz too.


When ratz look up, ratz see starz.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ratz First Snow!

Ratz wakez up in the morningz and sez, iz snowz! Iz whitez! Everything iz whitez! Ratz sez, wat iz snowz like? Sez, wai duz snowz fallz? Sez, mebbe goez outsidez? Mebbe playz? Ratz curiouz!

Ratz explorez. Ratz sez, iz cold! Ratz sez, brrrr! Brrrr! But ratz sez, iz fluffiez! Iz fuwwa fuwwa! Iz snowz! Ratz sez, even grassez iz whitez!

Ratz see roadz. Sez, iz snowz, but iz not whitez. Sez, iz grey like White Rat and Rawg. Sez, duz not look fluffiez. Mebbe huminz be more carefulz? Iz slushiez.

Ratz sez, even carz iz all whitez! Sez, iz fluffiez. Ratz sez, dunnot wantz to go zoomzoom in carz all covered. Sez, mebbe cleen snowz off car? Ratz climb onto carz. Sez, snowz iz fluffiez but needz to be cleened. Rawg sez, needz to find snowcleener in car! Rattatafish sez, dunnot wantz to cleen snow.

Rattatafish sez, even plantz are covered! Iz whitez! Rattatafish explorez.

Grey Rat and White Rat make SnowRatz. Luvz.

Finnegan makez snowballz. Hitz Rattatafish.