Ratz sez, iz holidayz timez! Ratz sez, must halp huminz trim treez! Iz for Chriztmaz! Tree iz brightz! Haz little lightzez! Haz shiniez!
Rawg haz yellowz ornamentz. iz yellowz like cheez! Rawg gnawz, but iz not tastiez. Rawg sez, must hang on tree! Finnegan halpz. White Rat and Grey Rat haz other ornamentz. Halpz with trimmingz! Luvz!
Rattatafish halpz with lightz. Rattatafish sez, BAH HUMBUG! Treez iz for huminz, iz not for Ratz! Rattatafish sez, wai iz Rattatafish tangledz in lightzez?!? Rattatafish iz KING OF RATZ! RATTATAFISH DEMANDZ A DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ! Rattatafish sez, removez Rattatafish from tangled lightzez! Rattatafish GNAWZ!
Ratz haz finishez wid ornamentz! Ratz inspectz finished treez. Ratz climb into branchez. Sez, iz shiniez! Sez, smellz like tree! Treez smellz greenz! Sez, makez ratz and huminz happiez!
Ratz luv tree. Tree sparkliez. Ratz watch treez lightz in front of treez. Ratz sez, iz warm. Ratz sez, iz good like cheez but iz not cheez. But White Rat and Grey Rat sez, mebbe iz nice to haz tree like diz, but mebbe iz not good to cut down treez. Sez, mebbe iz betterz to grow treez in forezts. Sez, iz betterz for ratz and huminz to haz more treez. Ratz luv the werld. Ratz dunnot want ice sheetz to melt. But ratz sez, tree iz sparkliez. Luvz too.
When ratz look up, ratz see starz.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ratz First Snow!
Ratz wakez up in the morningz and sez, iz snowz! Iz whitez! Everything iz whitez! Ratz sez, wat iz snowz like? Sez, wai duz snowz fallz? Sez, mebbe goez outsidez? Mebbe playz? Ratz curiouz!
Ratz explorez. Ratz sez, iz cold! Ratz sez, brrrr! Brrrr! But ratz sez, iz fluffiez! Iz fuwwa fuwwa! Iz snowz! Ratz sez, even grassez iz whitez!
Ratz see roadz. Sez, iz snowz, but iz not whitez. Sez, iz grey like White Rat and Rawg. Sez, duz not look fluffiez. Mebbe huminz be more carefulz? Iz slushiez.
Ratz sez, even carz iz all whitez! Sez, iz fluffiez. Ratz sez, dunnot wantz to go zoomzoom in carz all covered. Sez, mebbe cleen snowz off car? Ratz climb onto carz. Sez, snowz iz fluffiez but needz to be cleened. Rawg sez, needz to find snowcleener in car! Rattatafish sez, dunnot wantz to cleen snow.
Rattatafish sez, even plantz are covered! Iz whitez! Rattatafish explorez.
Grey Rat and White Rat make SnowRatz. Luvz.
Finnegan makez snowballz. Hitz Rattatafish.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ratz iz Sick!
Oh noez! Ratz haz snifflez! Grey Rat and White Rat sez, needz tissuez! Iz fluffiez! Iz not tastiez like cheez, but iz good for snifflez!
Rawg haz fever. Sez, wantz to sleepz. Sez, haz icez becuz iz sickz. Sez, haz thermometerz! Makez beepiez beepiez soundz! Sez, Rawg sick! Sez, Rawg stayz under blankit.
Rattatafish also haz sniffliez. Rattatafish haz drugz!!! Sez, Rattatafish wantz Red Pillz, but only haz green pillz and orange pillz. Sez, green pillz iz for sleepy ratz. Sez, Delsym iz for coughing ratz. Sez, takez both. Wantz to taste more deliciouz cheezez when sniffliez go baibai.
Finnegan sez, dunnot forget vitaminz! Sez, tea iz good for sore throatz! Sez, must rest!
Ratz sleepz morez. Ratz take medicinez. Ratz sez, wantz cheez after sniffliez go baibai.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ratz Studiez!
Ratz sez, iz sorriez haz been awayz. Sez, iz studiez! Iz finalz! Ratz sez, misses summerz. Sez, misses sun! Sez, haz werk.
Rattafish readz ethicz. Sez, ethicz iz for lawyerz, not ratz. Rattatafish iz super sneekiez. Rattatafish sez, demandz zealousez advocaciez from counselz, sez, 1.6 meens you keep Rattatafish's sekritzez! Iz Rattatafish! Rattatafish demandz a delicious piece of CHEEZ!
Grey Rat and White Rat gnawz on Weztlaw. Sez, iz not cheez, but mebbez helpz find cheez.
Finnegan listenz to ipodz. sez, need break.
Rawg haz own laptop.
Afterz, ratz haz coffeez!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Rattatafish on Halloweeningz!
Sez, iz willz scarez you. Sez...
QUOTHEZ RATTATAFISH, NEVERMOREZ!!!!! GNAWZ!!! Sez, Rattatafish sitz on placid SKULLZ, sez, iz on forgotten lorez! Sez, givez cheez, den mebbe forgetz Lenorez.
Sez, will singz in sleepz! Will come in dreemz! Iz voicez dat callz to huminz and speekz namez! Iz da Phantom! GNAWZ!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ratz in Autumn!
Sez, iz falling leavez! Ratz sez, werld iz yellowz like cheez!!! But ratz sez, leavez iz yellowz like cheez but iz not cheez. Ratz learnz about treez! Learnz about leavez! Ratz sez, luvz! White Rat and Grey Rat gnaws on leavez. Sez, iz like blankitz! Iz makez 'cracklecraklez' soundz! Ratz sez, mebbe smooshez! Mebbe makez more cracklecrackle soundz! Mebbe hidez under leavez? Mebbe nibblez? Luvz!
All ratz climb treez! Wantz to see leavez! Rattatafish sez, will stand on other ratz! Iz my tree! Mine!
White Rat sez, iz gingko tree! Leavez like cheez! Mebbe climb? Mebbe explorez? Sez, gingko iz ancient tree! Older than ratz! Older than huminz!
Ratz sez, iz Japaneze Maplez! Iz kaede? Iz momiji? Ratz sez, leavez iz orangez! Iz not like cheez! Ratz sniffz! Ratz climbz!
Ratz sez, wai iz some leavez yellowz like cheez? Wai iz some leavez redz? Wai iz some leavez orangez? Ratz dunnot know. Ratz sez, mebbe gnaws?
Ratz haz picnicz wid cheez. Sez, mebbe share cheez with Squirrelz. Ratz sez, iz oak treez! Iz gingko treez! Iz chestnut treez! Iz maple treez! Sez, iz Fall! Iz autumnz! Luvz!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ratz go to Olive Gardenz!
Ratz go feastiez! Iz for cheez! Iz neverz endingz pazta bowlz with humanz! Luvz!
Ratz waitz for tablez. Sez, haz buzzerz! Sez, talkz to other peoplez! Sez, iz waiting for cheez!!! Ratz hongry but ratz sez, iz bizzy at Olivez Gardenz. Ratz sez, waitz.
Ratz sitz down! Sez, wantz wine! Sez, iz good with cheez!
Rattatafish sez, iz waitingz for winez! Iz enuff! Rattatafish sez, GNAWZ on wine glass! Iz NOT HAPPIEZ!WANTZ WINEZ! WANTZ CHEEZ! DEMANDZ DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ!! NAO!
Rattatafish sez, will makez humanz who not respex Rattatafish sufferz! Iz fightingz with kenifeez! Sez, iz masterz with kenifeez! Rattatafish sez, FEER RATTATAFISH! Sez, humanz not givez me cheez? GNAWZ ON HUMANZ! GNAWZ!!!
But ratz sez, iz not gnawz on humanz. Sez, share cheez! Sez, lookit! iz magic cheez machinez! Makez cheez rainz! Iz tastiez! Luvz!
Ratz happiez. Sez, got cheezez. Sez, iz tasty. Sez, hadz foodz with huminz.
Ratz waitz for tablez. Sez, haz buzzerz! Sez, talkz to other peoplez! Sez, iz waiting for cheez!!! Ratz hongry but ratz sez, iz bizzy at Olivez Gardenz. Ratz sez, waitz.
Ratz sitz down! Sez, wantz wine! Sez, iz good with cheez!
Rattatafish sez, iz waitingz for winez! Iz enuff! Rattatafish sez, GNAWZ on wine glass! Iz NOT HAPPIEZ!WANTZ WINEZ! WANTZ CHEEZ! DEMANDZ DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ!! NAO!
Rattatafish sez, will makez humanz who not respex Rattatafish sufferz! Iz fightingz with kenifeez! Sez, iz masterz with kenifeez! Rattatafish sez, FEER RATTATAFISH! Sez, humanz not givez me cheez? GNAWZ ON HUMANZ! GNAWZ!!!
But ratz sez, iz not gnawz on humanz. Sez, share cheez! Sez, lookit! iz magic cheez machinez! Makez cheez rainz! Iz tastiez! Luvz!
Ratz happiez. Sez, got cheezez. Sez, iz tasty. Sez, hadz foodz with huminz.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ratz in Harrizburg!
Ratz go to Harrizburg! Iz for conferencez! Iz for werk! But ratz sez, iz staying in hotelz! Iz Dayz Inn! Ratz sez, iz fancy like cheez! Ratz excitedz. Rat sez, Harizburg haz riverz! Sez, luvz!
Ratz explorez bed. Sez, iz big! Iz room for lotz of ratz. Iz soft! Haz pillowz! Rattatafish claims ownz. Sez, iz Rattatafish pillow! Iz not your pillowz! Iz RATTATAFISH!
Ratz haz pillowfightz. Sez, fluffy pillowz! Luvz!
Ratz sez, iz shampooz for ratz! Iz small like ratz! Iz for ratz? Iz not for humanz? Ratz sniffz.
Ratz sez, brush teethiez! Ratz haz teethiez. Iz for cheez! Iz for gnawingz! Ratz dunnot wantz cavitiez. Ratz sez, iz brushingz teethiez in hotelz!
Ratz look at cleen teethiez. Iz happiez. Luvz.
After teethiez, ratz sez, iz wakez up callz! Ratz sez, dunnot wantz to be latez!
Ratz sleepz. Sez, iz comfiez.
Next morningz, ratz make coffeez! Rattatafish watchez. Grey Rat and White Rat sez, iz small coffeez! Iz small packetz! Luvz!
Iz breakfazt! Ratz gnawz on fruitz. Sez, iz not cheez but iz tasty! Iz blueberriez! Iz strawberriez! Iz pineapplez! Luvz!!
Rattatafish sez, fruitz iz for rabbitz, not ratz! Rattatafish DEMANDZ A DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ! Rattatafish sez, iz cheez on danishez. Sez, WANTZ CHEEZ!!!
Grey Rat and White Rat iz legal ratz. Ratz study FACE. Iz importantz! Iz safetiez for huminz. Ratz studiez. Ratz learnz.
Ratz listenz to panelz.Sez, dialoguez iz goodz. Sez, sometimez humanz must protectz other humanz. Iz not right to hurt other humanz! Ratz listenz. Luvz.
Ratz explorez bed. Sez, iz big! Iz room for lotz of ratz. Iz soft! Haz pillowz! Rattatafish claims ownz. Sez, iz Rattatafish pillow! Iz not your pillowz! Iz RATTATAFISH!
Ratz haz pillowfightz. Sez, fluffy pillowz! Luvz!
Ratz sez, iz shampooz for ratz! Iz small like ratz! Iz for ratz? Iz not for humanz? Ratz sniffz.
Ratz sez, brush teethiez! Ratz haz teethiez. Iz for cheez! Iz for gnawingz! Ratz dunnot wantz cavitiez. Ratz sez, iz brushingz teethiez in hotelz!
Ratz look at cleen teethiez. Iz happiez. Luvz.
After teethiez, ratz sez, iz wakez up callz! Ratz sez, dunnot wantz to be latez!
Ratz sleepz. Sez, iz comfiez.
Next morningz, ratz make coffeez! Rattatafish watchez. Grey Rat and White Rat sez, iz small coffeez! Iz small packetz! Luvz!
Iz breakfazt! Ratz gnawz on fruitz. Sez, iz not cheez but iz tasty! Iz blueberriez! Iz strawberriez! Iz pineapplez! Luvz!!
Rattatafish sez, fruitz iz for rabbitz, not ratz! Rattatafish DEMANDZ A DELICIOUZ PIECE OF CHEEZ! Rattatafish sez, iz cheez on danishez. Sez, WANTZ CHEEZ!!!
Grey Rat and White Rat iz legal ratz. Ratz study FACE. Iz importantz! Iz safetiez for huminz. Ratz studiez. Ratz learnz.
Ratz listenz to panelz.Sez, dialoguez iz goodz. Sez, sometimez humanz must protectz other humanz. Iz not right to hurt other humanz! Ratz listenz. Luvz.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ratz March!
Ratz mebbe see protests! Iz Thurzday. Iz for downtownz. Iz for Legal Observingz, sez Grey Rat and White Rat. Sez, mebbe civil libertiez iz like cheez. Sez, iz one of most important cheezez! Iz so humanz can all haz cheez! Ratz sez, iz mebbe importantz.
But ratz sez, where IZ all humanz? Wai no humanz? Iz not importantz? Iz sunny dayz, but no humanz. Ratz wonderz.
Ratz sez, iz CNN truck! Iz excitedz! Sez, mebbe ratz in Indonesiaz will see ratz in Pittzburgh. Ratz sez, even though they iz Pittzburgh ratz now, all ratz are born in Indonesiaz. Sez, ratz iz Legal Observingz todayz, but knowz about globalization and tradez. Ratz sez, we wuz born in Indonesia, but Ikea iz from Swedenz. Sez, now ratz iz American ratz, living in Pittzburgh. Protects important americanz cheez.
Ratz sez, iz big dish. Holdz lotz of cheez.
Rat sez, iz first protest! Iz for humanz in Africaz!
Grey Rat sez, iz policez!
Ratz meet more policez. Sez, stayz on barricadez. Sez, Grrr! Ratz scared. Ratz wonder, will policez arrest ratz? Take ratz away? But ratz say, mebbe not. Ratz say, hopez policez likez cheez. Ratz sez, mebbe police not arrest ratz?
Ratz sez, riot horsez stinkeyz.
Ratz sez, iz watching humanz. Sez, Free Tibet!
Ratz sez, iz Lawrencevillez okiez?
But ratz sez, where IZ all humanz? Wai no humanz? Iz not importantz? Iz sunny dayz, but no humanz. Ratz wonderz.
Ratz sez, iz CNN truck! Iz excitedz! Sez, mebbe ratz in Indonesiaz will see ratz in Pittzburgh. Ratz sez, even though they iz Pittzburgh ratz now, all ratz are born in Indonesiaz. Sez, ratz iz Legal Observingz todayz, but knowz about globalization and tradez. Ratz sez, we wuz born in Indonesia, but Ikea iz from Swedenz. Sez, now ratz iz American ratz, living in Pittzburgh. Protects important americanz cheez.
Ratz sez, iz big dish. Holdz lotz of cheez.
Rat sez, iz first protest! Iz for humanz in Africaz!
Grey Rat sez, iz policez!
Ratz meet more policez. Sez, stayz on barricadez. Sez, Grrr! Ratz scared. Ratz wonder, will policez arrest ratz? Take ratz away? But ratz say, mebbe not. Ratz say, hopez policez likez cheez. Ratz sez, mebbe police not arrest ratz?
Ratz sez, riot horsez stinkeyz.
Ratz sez, iz watching humanz. Sez, Free Tibet!
Ratz sez, iz Lawrencevillez okiez?
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